Carpet washer series

Le macchine per il lavaggio dei tappeti utilizzano una combinazione di soluzioni detergenti appositamente formulate e potenti testine per penetrare in profondità nella pila del tappeto, rimuovendo lo sporco e lo sporco incrostato. In molti casi, i battitappeto ripristinano e sollevano anche la moquette, lasciandola fresca e quasi nuova. Funzionano avendo sia un serbatoio pulito che sporco. Il serbatoio pulito è il luogo in cui vengono conservate l’acqua e la soluzione detergente. Dopo aver premuto il grilletto, questa soluzione viene spruzzata sul tappeto e poi aspirata nel serbatoio dell’acqua sporca.

Since the removal of dust from the carpets represents 50% of the job required in cleaning the carpets, this machine not only increases work efficiency, but improves air quality while the carpet passes through the filtered environment of the machine. Removes about 50-100 g of dust in a single 6 m2 pass, this highly effective machine can do what no one can physically do.

Machines for spinning and drying of carpets are generally heavy and high speed machines. The bellows system has a much longer life than the wheel systems of normal centrifugal machines. You can work uninterruptedly for many years without the need for spare parts. Carpet shrinks are technological machines that wink to dry the washed carpet faster. Especially with the recent development of technology, the interest in the carpet washing sector has increased.

Carpet washer series models


Carpet washing machines use a combination of specially formulated detergent solutions and powerful heads to penetrate deep ...


This machine for removing low maintenance and energy-efficient carpet powder is one of the pre-cleaning machines ...


Machines for spinning and drying of carpets are generally heavy and high speed machines. The bellows system ...


The carpet and carpet packaging machine is designed to satisfy all the needs of small carpet cleaning companies or large areas. Compact design and ease of use ...


Carpet drying room is the best way to provide full support for your precious carpet while it is hanging.